CBD for Back Pain: Unlocking Relief

cbd and back pain relief

All Nations Medicine, founded by Ricky Lee Taff (Spirit Wolf), is a brand dedicated to the healing powers of natural medicine. As a direct descendant of Geronimo, Chiricahua Apache, and Navajo Nation, Ricky has been on a lifelong journey to become a healer or 'medicine man.'

ricky taff

After experiencing the benefits of combining Western and native medicines to overcome cancer pain and the discomforts of cancer treatments, Ricky's calling led him to create a range of organic and natural medicine products. This blog explores the effectiveness of CBD and hemp oil in addressing different types of pain, as offered by All Nations Medicine. 

Looking at the Types of Back Pain and Forms of CBD 

When considering which CBD products might be most beneficial to reduce pain, we must consider what type of pain we are addressing. Below is a standard pain scale commonly seen in doctors' offices. It is essential to understand that each individual's pain perception does vary from person to person.

Using a rating scale to gauge the effectiveness of CBD in relieving specific types of back pain can be challenging due to individual variations in pain perception. However, we can provide general guidelines in pain management when using CBD extracts. To understand, you must know that Bioactivity refers to the effects of a compound (CBD) on an orgasm (Human). Regarding CBD and Bio-Diversity, the body has an Endocanobiod System (ECS), which regulates the homeostasis (Equilibrium) of the human body. Systematic effects of CBD can only occur when individuals ingest CBD; thus, these forms greatly impact the Endocanobiod System, which translates to a higher bio-activity. Topical applications have a lower bio-activity rate due to the absorption method and thus are better for targeted pain relief.

Acute back pain (Pain Scale: 3-6)

For acute back pain resulting from an injury or strain, topical CBD rubs or creams can provide targeted relief by being applied directly to the affected area. Additionally, CBD tinctures taken sublingually may offer faster systemic relief.

Chronic back pain (Pain Scale: 5-8)

A combination of CBD products is the most effective for chronic back pain. Regular use of CBD tinctures, supplements, or edibles can help provide systemic relief, while topical CBD rubs can be applied to the affected area for targeted pain management.

For localized pain (Pain Scale: 1-5),

Topical CBD rubs or creams can provide targeted relief compared to the systematic effects of consumable CBD. Some of our top recommendations for localized pain relief include any of our All Nations CBD Rubs, Mentholated CBD Sports Cream, or our CBD Pain Stick. 

cbd pain stick


The CBD Pain Stick can fit in your pants pocket, has a faster absorption rate than the rubs, and provides a soothing hot/cold sensation on your skin for quick relief.


On the other hand, CBD Rubs, available in both scented and unscented varieties, offer a more cost-effective option due to the smaller amount of product required for effective relief.

Mechanical and inflammatory back pain (Pain Scale: 3+)

For mechanical and inflammatory back pain, using a combination of topical and systemic CBD forms can help alleviate pain. Topical Rubs or CBD Extract can be applied to the affected area for targeted relief.

Neuropathic pain (Pain Scale: 5-10)

CBD tinctures or supplements can help relieve neuropathic back pain. Some studies suggest that the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD may lead to the protection of neurons and help those with neurodegenerative diseases. Topical CBD rubs or creams have pain-relieving effects, mainly when applied to areas where nerve compression or irritation occurs.

All Nations Medicine's CBD Products

All Nations Medicine offers various CBD products, such as tinctures, topicals, and supplements, that cater to different preferences and needs.

cbd products

Each product is crafted with care and contains all-natural CBD extract. By understanding each customer's unique needs, All Nations Medicine helps individuals find the most effective form of CBD for their specific condition.

cbd rubs


All Nations CBD Topicals are formulated with natural ingredients and high-quality CBD extract. All Nations Rubs provide targeted relief for muscle pain when applied directly to the skin over the affected area. The direct application ensures focused treatment, but precise dosage control may be more challenging.


All Nations CBD syrups are easy to consume, easy to dose, and easy to use. With a growing recipe book, our syrups are a favorite and known for the fattest absorption rate. Sizzle your sensations with All Nations Syrups and get full-body relief today.

cbd isolate vs cbd tincture


All Nations CBD tinctures are administered sublingually by placing a full CBD oil dropper under the tongue, allowing for faster absorption and higher bioavailability than other forms. All Nations produces two primary tinctures: Full Spectrum CBD and Regular CBD.

cbd gummys


All Nations CBD supplements, such our Yummie Gummies, contain a pre-measured dose of CBD. They are discreet, easy to consume, and can provide long-lasting relief due to their slower absorption rate. However, the onset time may be longer than other forms like tinctures or rubs.

cbd honey


All Nations CBD honey is a versatile and tasty option that can be consumed directly, mixed with a beverage, or added to food. All Nations Medicine CBD honey offers the benefits of both CBD and the natural antioxidants found in honey. The onset time for CBD honey may be similar to tinctures and supplements, as it also undergoes digestion before taking effect. We pride ourselves in using locally sourced, unprocessed, unfiltered honey; from the great state of Washington.

CBD's onset time for back pain relief

The time it takes for CBD to relieve back pain varies depending on factors such as metabolism, product type, and pain severity. All Nations products are developed with these factors in mind, ensuring customers experience CBD's benefits as efficiently as possible.

Determining the optimal CBD dosage for back pain relief

All Nations Medicine understands that finding the correct CBD dosage for back pain can be challenging. So we put together a guide on CBD Dosing to help customers determine the most effective dosage based on factors like body weight, pain severity, and individual tolerance.

Embracing CBD as a natural alternative to traditional medicine

Ricky's journey as a medicine man has led him to embrace CBD as a natural alternative to Western Medicine. His creation of All Nations Medicine was an avenue to providing CBD products with pain-relieving benefits and ultimately aid in his mission of helping individuals experience holistic medicine solutions. Ricky Lee Taff (Spirit Wolf), is committed to harnessing the power of mother earth through CBD extracts and hemp oil for chronic pain management.

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Disclaimer: The content provided in this article is based on original research and is intended for informational purposes only. The author is not a licensed medical doctor or healthcare professional, and the information presented should not be considered medical advice or a substitute for professional medical care. Always consult a qualified healthcare provider before starting, changing, or stopping any treatment, including CBD products. Also, the effectiveness of CBD for back pain may vary depending on individual circumstances, and the information provided here should not be used as a substitute for personalized guidance from a medical professional.

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